Season Sponsor
If you would like to sponsor an entire season, we currently offer two tiers of support which help Southern Cross Soloists deliver a season of inspiring concerts.
$15,000 Supporting Season Sponsor
$30,000 Major Season Sponsor
As a Supporting Season Sponsor you will receive 12 tickets which can be used for any performance in the QPAC Subscription concert season.
As a Major Season Sponsor you will receive 30 tickets which can be used for any performance in the QPAC Subscription concert season, and a private Southern Cross Soloists concert at your home or event, subject to musician availability.
In addition to tier benefits, as a Season Sponsors you will receive your logo recognition on all season advertising, including, but not limited to, posters, flyers, concert programs, our season brochure and on the Southern Cross Soloists website. You will receive a full-page advertisement in the season brochure, sponsor recognition during the Chair’s curtain speech, an autographed poster, and an invitation to meet and greet the Soloists and sit in on a rehearsal.
Become a Season Sponsor with a secure online donation
You don't need a PayPal account in order to make an online donation. Simply click the 'Donate' button below and follow the steps to make your secure payment.
Supporting Season

Major Season

Direct transfer
Account name: Southern Cross Soloists Music Ltd
BSB: 064-102
Account number: 10327484
Contact us to discuss your donation
TELEPHONE: Maxine – 0457 045 301